Musings on a Starbucks Tumbler Design

Posted by Noel R.N. at Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A few weeks ago, my friend Noel asked for my help if I could assist him in coming up with his tumbler design.

Noel is a coffee master a.k.a. über barista from the Seattle-based coffee company, Starbucks Coffee, here in the Philippines.

Baristas, or in Starbucks lingo are called 'partners', were tasked to design a tumbler about the Starbucks Shared Planet campaign. The partners must design a tumbler which should encompass the BIG IDEAS of Starbucks Shared Planet of ethical sourcing, environmental stewardship, and community involvement.

The tumbler design should be printed on a 12-oz tumbler template and will compete against other tumbler designs from 23 districts then on to the national. The one that will emerge the winner will be the tumbler design that will be given to all 'partners' in the Philippines.

His creation called "Scrapbucks Brochure" is in itself a scrapbook of the brochures found in Starbucks store. He had in mind the concepts of recycling, reuse, and reduce in order to save from costs of design and execution.

There are 4 separate spectrums which represent the elements of fire, water, air, and earth. These are represented by the background colors of red, blue, yellow, and green respectively.

Each spectrum is grouped according to the shareholders that are involved in the Starbucks Shared Planet campaign.

First, the coffee farmers which is represented by the red background spectrum and the images of the different whole bean coffees from around the world.

As the coffee beans are harvested, Starbucks, which is represented by the second spectrum ascertain the highest quality standards for environmentally sound and ethical sourcing of coffee.

On the forefront of the Shared Planet tumbler design are the 'partners' who will introduce and reinforce the ideas of encouraging the use of commuter mugs and tumblers; energy and water conservation, recycling and green construction. These activities are committed by partners towards environmental stewardship.

Lastly, the fourth spectrum are the customers who are encouraged by the campaign to do their share by volunteering to supporting local events and national programs that Starbucks come up with in helping create a better future for coffee farmers as well as working towards helping the environment.

Just as the elements intertwine and interdependent, the four shareholders of the campaign must work hand-in-hand continuously. The Shared Planet campaign is not just for today but like the four seasons, must be today and and for the future.

It may sound like I'm lobbying for Noel's entry. But more than just raving about the tumbler design; as a coffee addict myself, I must do my share in helping the environment even if I'm just sipping caffeine or tryptophan.

If you like the tumbler design, you can download the 'Scrapbuks Brochure' tumbler design by Noel dela Cruz (in pdf) here and print it out on a good high-quality 8.5" and 11" photo paper and insert it nicely on a Starbucks 12-oz tumbler which can be bought at any Starbucks store.


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